Country trends
Click to explore detailed breakdowns by country:
3/5 Students globally have studied abroad or plan to
What are students from these different countries seeking in study abroad experiences?

1. Cultural experiences 2. Better educational value 3. Academic reputation

1. Better educational value 2. Internship or job 3. Academic reputation

1. Learn another language 2. Internship or job 3. Better educational value

1. Better educational value 2. Campus experience 3. Academic reputation

1. Internship or job 2. Better educational value 3. Cultural experience

1. Better educational value 2. Academic reputation 3. Cultural experience

1. Learn another language 2. Cultural experience 3. Location

1. Better educational value 2. Cultural experience 3. Internship or job

1. Cultural experience 2. Campus experience 3. Location
Easier visa processes could drive higher study abroad demand
Students in China, India, Mexico and Peru are more likely than those in the other countries to say they would be more likely to study abroad if it were easier to obtain a visa for the country where they wanted to study.
Question: I would be more likely to study abroad if it were easier to obtain a visa for the country where I want to study. (Strongly agree/agree)
π Peru
π Mexico
π China
π India
π Australia
π Canada
π United Kingdon
π Spain
π United States
Payment plan needs are high, yet availability in some regions falls short

93% said payment plans would help them afford their education, yet only 61% said their institution offers installment payments

85% said payment plans would help them afford their education, yet only 61% said their institution offers installment payments

77% said payment plans would help them afford their education, yet only 44% said their institution offers installment payments
Students globally are worried about paying off loans, but reasons differ by country
Question: Do you think having loans for education will prevent you from doing any of the following? Select all that apply.

1. Saving for a home 2. Traveling 3. Continuing education

1. Saving for a home 2. Traveling 3. Getting married/starting a family

1. Pursuing an internship 2. Taking a lower paid job 3. Continuing education

1. Traveling 2. Saving for a home 3. Continuing education

1. Saving for a home 2. Traveling 3. Pursuing an internship

1. Saving for a home 2. Traveling 3. Pursuing a lower paid job

1. Saving for a home 2. Traveling 3. Continuing education

1. Saving for a home 2. Traveling 3. Continuing education

1. Saving for a home 2. Traveling 3. Continuing education
Students from India & China have unique payment needs

Indian students are more likely than those from other countries to blame their stress on too many competing payment options β which isnβt hard to understand as they have an average 15.9 options.

Chinese students are more likely to blame a lack of convenient payment processes and unclear processes from their institution as the main reasons for their payment stress. Everywhere else around the world, financial difficulties are the top reason for payment stress.