CEO, Flywire

As we continue on our journey to delivering the most important and complex payments, we're equally committed to making a positive impact on the world.
ESG at Flywire
Welcome to our first annual ESG report. In the subsequent pages, you’ll find greater detail about our approach to ESG, which is shaped by many defining principles: from social impact and community engagement, to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) and more.
Flywire’s commitment to ESG has always been a core tenet of our business strategy. From leveraging software to bridge the access and affordability gap in education and healthcare, to fostering a diverse, equitable and inclusive workforce that spans 14 global offices and more than 40 nationalities, to the thousands of hours our FlyMates (employees) put towards volunteer work each year, we continue to commit to the ideal that being a force for good can be inextricably linked to generating growth and short-and long-term value.
Our FlyMates live and work by our six corporate values. They help define how we conduct ourselves in business and in our everyday lives. When reflecting on our commitment to ESG now and into the future, one value is particularly relevant to how we will continue to evolve—the value of ambitious innovation. We’re proud of the work we’ve put in already, but we know that some of the greatest challenges facing our society today—from inequities in healthcare and education, to environmental damage—will require even greater commitment, and more importantly, ambitious innovation. As we continue on our journey to delivering the most important and complex payments, we’re equally committed to making a positive impact on the world around us.
As we make these strides, we want to continue to be challenged and hold ourselves accountable, and we invite your feedback, questions and suggestions. Contact us any time at ESG@Flywire.com.